the peaceable kin-dom

how to serve our mission

People, Other Animals & Earth, Healing & Thriving Together

foster homes

We are always looking for suitable Foster homes and parents.




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What The

Peaceable Kin-dom

is all about


The Peaceable Kin-dom Educational and Charitable Trust is inspired by a vision of a world where human beings live, work, play and thrive in healthy, harmonious, sustainable, mutually enhancing relationships with each other, with all living beings, and with the natural world on which all life depends.


The overarching mission of the Peaceable Kin-dom Educational and Charitable Trust is to provide a refuge for animals (domestic and farm) and
a healing place for people while promoting environmental stewardship. It advocates, creates and operates structures, projects, enterprises, events, and activities that connect human beings (HumAnimals), other Animals (domestic and farm animals, wildlife, birds, and aquatic animals), and the Earth (representing the rest of Nature), for mutual healing and increased wellbeing through compassionate, cooperative, sustainable, reciprocally empowering relationships and actions that promote the greatest good of all beings.


The core values and worldview embraced and promoted by the Peaceable Kin-dom Educational and Charitable Trust include:

Belief that the Earth (“Gaia”) and all that exists upon it, animate and inanimate, form an interrelated, interconnected, interdependent web in which any action in any part of the system, including action by human beings, has an important and far-reaching effect on the whole.

Awareness that the Earth and all living beings are constantly evolving and changing, and that conscious evolution on the part of HumAnimals is necessary for the survival and wellbeing of ALL species on the planet.

Belief that mutual respect, cooperation, collaboration, effective communication, continual personal growth, and creative conflict resolution are essential skills for HumAnimals to cultivate, amongst ourselves and in relation to other living beings and the rest of Nature on which all life depends.

Agreement with Mahatma Gandhi’s statement that “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Agreement with His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s statement that: “Life is as dear to a mute creature, as it is to humanity. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.”

aims & objectives

In service of this Vision and Mission and these Values, the specific, interconnected aims of the Kin-dom are as follows (please see our Trust Deed for complete, specific Objectives associate with each aim):

1. Animal Rescue & Sanctuary

2. Permaculture-inspired Land Use, Agriculture and Horticulture

3.  Education and Service Learning

4.  Volunteer Support and Operation

5.  Self-support and Fund-raising

6.   Emphasis on Process: Co-creation, Collaboration, Cooperation, Communication, Community

7.  Holistic, Integrative, Sustainable Principles and Practices

8.   Emphasis on Holistic Education & Healing, and Aesthetic Arts

9.  Modeling Kin-dom Values Through Examples and Opportunities

10.Research, Advocacy and Policymaking furthering Kin-dom Values

11. Benefits to Local Golden Bay Community and Beyond

12. Networking for the Greater Good of the Earth and All Beings


how can i help?

If you would like to support us on our mission:
What’s included

Sign up to our regular newsletter and stay in touch


Kin-dom Kids

Personalised member name button, access to the Peaceable Kin-dom library

$15 per year


Member newsletter, car window sticker

$20 - $49 per year


Personalised membership card, member newsletter, car window sticker

$50 - $99 per year


Personalised membership card, member newsletter, car window sticker, public listing & thanks in the GB Weekly & newsletter, free ticket to a Kin-dom sponsored event.

$100 - $499 per year


Personalised membership card, member newsletter, car window sticker, public listing & thanks in the GB Weekly & newsletter, free ticket to a Kin-dom sponsored event, right to name a rescued animal.

$500 - $999 per year


Personalised membership card, member newsletter, car window sticker, public listing & thanks in the GB Weekly & newsletter, 2 free tickets to a Kin-dom sponsored event, right to name 2 rescued animals and more.

$1000 and over  per year
